Saturday, January 22, 2011

Stats and your Enhance Shaman, what you need to know.

PVE priority
  1. Hit until spell cap of 17% (1742 [1638 Draenei racial]) 
  2. Expertise until cap (541 [450 dwarf/orc with racial])
  3. Agility  (2 AP and .00307805% crit per point)
  4. Mastery (reforge EVERYTHING to mastery once you reach hit/exp cap) 
  5. Crit 
  6. Haste
  7. Hit  (increase damage through offhand white hits)
  8. Intellect (minor spellpower and spell crit)
  9. Strength (do not roll on STR gear!)
  10. Spell Power (possibly more important then str/int but do not gem for it)
PVP stats (priority depends on team comp and play style)

  1. Hit until 5% to land melee special abilities and to land those hex's (510 should get you close enough)
  2. Resilience (reduces damage by 1% for every 95 points) 
  3. Spell penetration (100-130 should negate almost all resistance)
  4. Agility (main dps stat)
  5. Mastery (most important sub-stat once spell pen is capped)
  6. Stamina (1 point stam = 14 hp) got to be alive to win
The rest of the stats will not need to be enchanted or gemmed for in PvP

Friday, January 21, 2011

Season 9 Set!

Season 9 Enhancement set

I am slowly working on the set, should be less then 2 more weeks. I spent the first couple weeks getting the weapons, but then had to take a break due to school/family commitments. I have filled in the missing pieces with crafted items, and other items from honor.

 My current gear

Enhancement Shamans Unite

This is a dedicated shaman blog to discuss and compare my techniques with others. I recently completed my full PVP set and have been doing 2v2 with a resto druid. I have been running 3v3 with a resto druid, and destro warlock. So far both teams have held a better win then lose ratio, but I will improve on that soon once we get better chemistry. Coming soon I will post my current specs and gear.