- Hit until spell cap of 17% (1742 [1638 Draenei racial])
- Expertise until cap (541 [450 dwarf/orc with racial])
- Agility (2 AP and .00307805% crit per point)
- Mastery (reforge EVERYTHING to mastery once you reach hit/exp cap)
- Crit
- Haste
- Hit (increase damage through offhand white hits)
- Intellect (minor spellpower and spell crit)
- Strength (do not roll on STR gear!)
- Spell Power (possibly more important then str/int but do not gem for it)
- Hit until 5% to land melee special abilities and to land those hex's (510 should get you close enough)
- Resilience (reduces damage by 1% for every 95 points)
- Spell penetration (100-130 should negate almost all resistance)
- Agility (main dps stat)
- Mastery (most important sub-stat once spell pen is capped)
- Stamina (1 point stam = 14 hp) got to be alive to win